Blogging Live from Freedom Park, Bangalore-Day 2
8 April 2011, 8:12 PM We just had the most amazing Candle light Vigil. Never have so many diverse people been taken to the streets in Bangalore for a common cause. If you ask me,…
8 April 2011, 8:12 PM We just had the most amazing Candle light Vigil. Never have so many diverse people been taken to the streets in Bangalore for a common cause. If you ask me,…
Starting today I have joined the hunger-fast at Freedom Park, Bangalore. I’m doing all that I can to stop corruption in my country. Please join the movement. It’s our movement. Those who’ll benefit will be…
I always have some interesting lecture playing in my car. Here are the ones that I’ve recently heard. I recommend you to download them and hear them for yourself. 1. The Good Life-Happiness This is…
I’m pleased to share the news that 40 Sufi Comics book is now available to purchase on! If you’ve enjoyed reading Sufi Comics, please take out the time to write a review. Those you’ve…
“I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.” -Lily Tomlin
ha ha ha ha…this guy so cracks me up! Dance Of Dictators Here we go again, another squirming dictator with dire cramps and julaabs, in Libya this time. If it were not for the bloodshed…
The first paperback prints of 40 Sufi Comics are out! :) These are limited copies that were printed locally. Inshallah, the book will also be released on shortly. I’ll be giving away some of…
I clicked this at Dr. Pooya’s Clinic in Bangalore.
This is the Most Flattering Email I’ve received. 2011 is off to a pretty good start. Alhumdulillah. Wish me Luck! Dear Arif, We are looking forward to seeing you at TEDActive and are thrilled to…
I’m pleased to announce that the 40 Sufi Comics book is now out, and available to download for free. Thank you to all those who’ve been supportive with their encouragement and feedback! Sufi Comics are…