A few Quotes from Tuesday’s with Morrie
I read this bestseller quite some time back, after Ali informed me that it’s audiobook has been quite a hit on iTunes. Although not a spiritual classic and not a book that I would strongly…
I read this bestseller quite some time back, after Ali informed me that it’s audiobook has been quite a hit on iTunes. Although not a spiritual classic and not a book that I would strongly…
This is a very popular story that is often taught to children in Islamic Madressas. Did you like this comic? Copy this Code to add the above Comic to your Blog / Website: {code type=html}…
Yesterday, me, my brother and dad happened to be at Acura hospital. Nothing serious, just regular aches and pains. By the time we were done, it was prayer time. We went ahead and offered prayers…
He Who Fears Will Mind (Quran Chapter 87: Verse 10) “Greed is Good?” I think not. However, a little bit of Fear can take you a long way. Fear (in proportion) and conflict are necessary…
“What is your condition? You feel satisfied with what little you have secured from this world while much of the next world of which you have been deprived does not grieve you. The little…
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Mahatma Gandhi Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 – 1948)
I recall reading this story many years ago when I was a child. It influenced me on how I responded to situations that aroused anger with another person. The lessons I learnt were: * Before…
Let’s make the most of what’s left. ******** O Jabir! Whoever during the month of Ramadhan, fasts in its days, stands up for prayers in parts of the night, controls his desires and emotions, puts…
I’ve learned the importance of taking the risk to pursue your dreams. There is nothing worse than looking back over your life at what you should have tried, should have done, or should have said-…
photo credit: be OH be No matter what productivity methodology you use to be productive (GTD, ZTD etc), all of them involve making to-do lists. How well you make your to-do list is directly proportional…