I’ve Half-Cracked the Rubik’s Cube
Ever since I’ve a boy I’ve been twisting and turning the Rubik’s cube. As a kid, it took me a few weeks to understand how the cube works and managed to solve one of the…
Ever since I’ve a boy I’ve been twisting and turning the Rubik’s cube. As a kid, it took me a few weeks to understand how the cube works and managed to solve one of the…
What makes us Happy? Is it a new car? A job promotion? A new house? Does our Happiness depend on external factors? Do we wait for someone or something to make us happy? Many of…
I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve been coming across a lot of literature these days on Eating less (and ironically as I’m typing this I’m enjoying a cup of green tea). Health…
When I started drawing comics the workflow that I followed was: * Sketching & Inking the images on paper * Scanning the images * Drawing Layout and lettering in Photoshop After studying the advances made…
Ali Reza Aljufri has translated Sufi Comics in Indonesian. Uploading them there. Thanks Reza!
One of my more favourite verses of the Quran is when it commands us to speak and act justly even if it be against your community, your parents, even yourself. The exact verse is: 4:135…
I love this saying because it’s deep and many meanings can be derived from it. One of them is that of Humility. Man has a tendancy to become proud of himself. He begins to think…
During pre-Islamic Arabia, the Arabs were so ashamed of having daughters, that they would bury their new born daughters alive. The above is an example of how the Prophet of Islam changed the attitudes of…
We all know it’s true, that we can get more of an impact if we focus our energies on fewer tasks. An example I’ve quoted often on the power of focus is the analogy of…
Islam considers Jesus (‘a) as one of the greatest Prophets and Personalities. There are several stories of Jesus (‘a) that can be found in Islamic Literature (See: Words of the Word of God) that serve…