Sufi Comics: Preparing to Meet God
Imam Zain ul Abideen was the great grandson of the Prophet. He’s the author of Pslams of Islam and the Treatise on Rights. Instead of making prayer a ritual chore, we can make prayer a…
Imam Zain ul Abideen was the great grandson of the Prophet. He’s the author of Pslams of Islam and the Treatise on Rights. Instead of making prayer a ritual chore, we can make prayer a…
I’m currently hearing this great podcast by Carl Honore on his book, In Praise of Slowness. He attacks our addiction that we have for speed and doing everything so swiftly, that even instant-gratification feels too…
“Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it is the presence of fear, yet the will to continue.”
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“Before Enlightenment, Chop Wood, Carry Water. After Enlightenment, Chop Wood, Carry Water.” – Ancient Zen Wisdom, from Mastery by George Leonard.
A friend had asked me to email him some tips on Hajj for a presentation that he was preparing for Hajis-to-be. Thought I’d reproduce the email here as it may be beneficial to some. The…
This is a discussion a person had with Imam Jafar As Sadiq. He was a polymath: an astronomer, alchemist, Imam, Islamic scholar, Islamic theologian, writer, philosopher, physician, physicist and scientist. He was also the teacher…
I don’t know about you, but I really feel I need to go around life with blinders on. Even if there was something worthwhile to watch on TV, I never know when a shameful scene…
This time’s comic is done in color. It is a dialog Imam Ridha has with an Atheist. This is just an excerpt, the actual discussion is much longer. Did you like this comic? Copy this…