Sufi Comics: A Slave’s Slave
A Sultan (King) becomes the Slave of a Slave. Did you like this comic? Copy this Code to add the above Comic to your Blog / Website: {code type=html} {/code}
A Sultan (King) becomes the Slave of a Slave. Did you like this comic? Copy this Code to add the above Comic to your Blog / Website: {code type=html} {/code}
I so love Sufic Tales and Poems. These are words that have been born in a realm other than ours and tease us as to what lies beyond. Reading these sayings provides one with a…
Times of India and Jung Group launched this beautiful campaign titled Aman ki Asha, an Indo-Pak peace project. We disapprove with a lot of that TOI reports on and that style that it reports with…
Hell and Heaven are going to be a reflection of our Inner state, based on our intentions and actions in this world. Here’s another Sufi Comic on Bahlool. Did you like this comic? Copy this…
This comic was adapted from one of Khalil Gibran’s short stories. Human beings have a tendency is to identify themselves with their thoughts, feelings and emotions, ending up creating a false self image of themselves…
Imam Ali was the Caliph of the Muslim Community from 656 to 661. Like the anecdote above there are several examples of Imam’s excellence in leadership and governance. He has written an excellent piece of…
Reading…it’s one of the the greatest, most pleasurable, highly blissful indulgences that this ephemeral existence has to offer. Other than Coffee (and Chocolate ofcourse). Sometime back I gave myself a schedule to spend an hour…
Does one need to reject the material world in order to be spiritual? Can we be materially rich and also spiritual? Spirituality is not about shunning this world, but it is about participating in this…
I heard this story the first time when I was young during a class. I often question myself, how would I have reacted if I where in Imam’s shoes. This story has a powerful message…
What I like about this anecdote is that it reveals the true nature of lies. Before we ever speak a lie, if we had the vivid imagination that the action is as bad as putting…